
Quick Look: Three unique Troncones beach rentals. Click any image for a look at our units, what they offer, and at what low prices!


Reviews matter. Here’s what our guests have been saying about Casa Oasis Troncones, since 2010. Click anywhere to see the full reviews.

“Impossible to say enough about how great this place is. The closeness of the ocean, the waves at night, the impeccable design and comfort, the sweetness of the people who take care of it, the beautiful lighting, the space and airiness…it’s double, triple what we had hoped for.”


“I can’t say enough about how great my stay was and how perfectly situated, cared for, and accommodating Casa Oasis was—I can only give it all possible stars and assure you my experience was amazing!”


“…a keen sense of simple elegance so that every detail causes a sigh. This is perfection but not of the fussy sort…It is blended into the beauty of the place. The unit is so well sited that you don’t see any human structures and feel built right into the sea, sky and the sand.”


“Amazed by everything that catches your eye and senses, the roaring ocean, the pristine beach, the design of the house and garden, everything leaves you sighing ‘Perfect’.”



So much for your money! Like hotel care at vacation rental prices… Click here to see a full list of what we offer.